membership sign up
Sign up as a new member or renew an existing membership
STEP 1: Choose a registration method below:
Online payment with a credit card OR,
Check payment by mail
STEP 2: Subscribe to our website & request to become a site member
An email will be generated approving your subscription
STEP 3: Create a member login
Your login gives you visibility to"member only" information such as the member directory, calendar and the monthly newsletter
Membership renewal is required annually
Thank you!
online payment with a credit card
Membership $200
200$+$6.28 Online processing fee1 yr Membership to Elm Grove Woman's ClubValid for one year- A small processing fee will be added at checkout
Chandelier Lvl $400
400$+$12.24 Online processing fee1 yr Membership to EGWC @ Chandelier Level supports our building fund. Thank you.Valid for one year- A small processing fee will be added at checkout
check payment by mail
*To register by mail, simply click the button below to print the registration form. Once you've filled it out, send the form along with a check payable to EGWC to:
Elm Grove Woman's Club
PO Box 203
13885 Watertown Plank Road
Elm Grove, WI 53122
We look forward to receiving your registration!
subscribe to our website
An email confirmation will be generated upon approval
create a member login
Register as a member by setting up your user ID and password
Your login gives you visibility to"member only" information such as the member directory, calendar and the monthly newsletter
Add elmgrovewomansclub@gmail.com to your contacts to ensure you receive all club communication