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Complete the online Membership Registration form

Receive an email confirmation


Create your account on the Member page

which allows you access to the online member directory, calendar and newsletter


Thank you!

Elm Grove Woman’s Club Membership Registration

Dues: $200 (full year, plus online processing fee)
Dues: $100 (1/2 year (after December) plus online processing fee)

Complete the online form below and submit your credit card payment.

Dues must be received by September 11th to appear in the printed Membership Yearbook

Online Registration Form

I am a:
Do you need help getting to and from functions at the Club?
Use of Photographs. Members participating in Elm Grove Woman’s Club programs and activities may periodically be photographed by fellow Club members or outside photographers. These photographs may appear without compensation in newspapers, publications, on the Internet/website, or in other printed or electronic materials related to Club activities, unless you withhold your consent by checking here.

I would like to donate to Elm Grove Woman's Club Building Maintenance & Reserve Fund in the amount of ___________. Please include with your dues. Thank you for your support!

Total payment: $200 (full year dues, plus online fees) + donation =____________

Total payment: $100 (1/2 year dues, plus online fees) + donation = ____________

 create your account on the member page

Need help? Please contact us.

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